Damtite Powder Masonry Waterproofer

Damtite Waterproofing

  • $66.63
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Powder Waterproofer comes in a White Color and 21 lb. Tub that will cover as much as 280 sq. FtGreat for interior and exterior projects, this powder seals, protects and decorates your vertical walls that are constructed of poured concrete, concrete/cinder block, masonry, stone, brick or stuccoEffective and safe for sealing the interior of Drinking water concrete tanks and cisterns, and it even diminishes radon gas penetration through concrete block wallsPowder can be used on wet or dry surfaces, removes dampness, fights off mildew, flaking or chalking, and all while enhancing and sealing all pores and voidsWhen it comes to using the powder, it couldnt be easier: simply add water to the powder and mix, and then you Brush it on like paint